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How to stream live CCTV footage in Website

By - Admin, Updated on September 8, 2024

To embed a CCTV live video feed on a website, there are several methods depending on how the CCTV system is set up and what streaming technology is available. Below are common approaches to embedding live CCTV video on a website:

1. Using an IP Camera with Direct Streaming

Many modern CCTV or IP cameras come with built-in web servers that stream the video feed. You can use the camera’s IP address or a streaming link (like RTSP or HTTP) to embed the video on a website.


  1. Obtain the Camera’s Stream URL:
    • Most IP cameras support streaming via protocols like RTSP (Real-Time Streaming Protocol) or HTTP. The format of the stream URL might look like:
      • RTSP URL: rtsp://username:password@camera_ip_address:554/stream
      • HTTP URL: http://camera_ip_address/video_feed
  2. Embed the Video Stream: You can use HTML <video> or <iframe> tags depending on the protocol.

Using an RTSP Stream:

Browsers do not natively support RTSP, so you will need a media server or a player (e.g., VLC, FFmpeg, or WebRTC) to transcode the stream to a format browsers can handle, like HLS or WebRTC.

  • Step 1: Convert RTSP to HLS/WebRTC: You can use software like FFmpeg to convert RTSP streams into HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) format or WebRTC.
  • Step 2: Embed HLS Stream: After converting the stream, you can embed the HLS stream using an HTML5 <video> tag:
<video id="live-stream" controls autoplay>
<source src="" type="application/x-mpegURL">
Your browser does not support the video tag.

Using HTTP Video Stream (If Camera Provides Direct HTTP Stream):

If your camera provides an HTTP stream directly, you can embed it using an <iframe> or <video> tag, as shown below:

<iframe src="http://camera_ip_address/video_feed" width="640" height="480"></iframe>


<video width="640" height="480" controls autoplay>
<source src="http://camera_ip_address/video_feed" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.

2. Using a Third-Party CCTV Streaming Service

There are third-party platforms that allow you to embed live CCTV video on websites, such as YouTube Live or dedicated CCTV streaming services.

Steps to Embed YouTube Live (Or Other Streaming Platforms):

  1. Stream the CCTV Video to YouTube:
    • Many CCTV cameras or NVRs (Network Video Recorders) allow you to stream directly to YouTube Live by entering the YouTube RTMP URL and Stream Key.
  2. Embed the YouTube Live Video on Your Website: Once the video is streaming live on YouTube, you can embed it using the YouTube embed code:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Replace CHANNEL_ID with the actual ID of your YouTube channel.

3. Using an RTMP or HLS Streaming Server (Advanced)

If you have your own streaming server (e.g., NGINX with RTMP module or Wowza Streaming Engine), you can set up an RTMP or HLS stream and embed it on your website.


  1. Set Up Streaming Server:
    • Configure your server (e.g., NGINX) to accept RTMP streams and convert them into a format like HLS or WebRTC, which can be embedded into a browser.
  2. Embed the Stream: Embed the HLS/WebRTC stream using the <video> tag as described above.

4. Using WebRTC for Real-Time Streaming (Low Latency)

WebRTC is a modern protocol for low-latency video and audio streaming directly from CCTV cameras or IP cameras that support WebRTC.


  1. Set Up WebRTC Server:
    • Use a media server like Kurento or Janus WebRTC to facilitate the WebRTC stream from your camera.
  2. Embed WebRTC Stream: Embedding WebRTC streams on a website requires the use of JavaScript along with a WebRTC library or player.
let peerConnection = new RTCPeerConnection();
let videoElement = document.getElementById('live-video');

// Assuming you've set up signaling and the WebRTC server
peerConnection.ontrack = function(event) {
videoElement.srcObject = event.streams[0];

5. Security Considerations

  • Authentication: If your CCTV feed is private, make sure to protect it with proper authentication mechanisms (e.g., username and password or API keys).
  • SSL/HTTPS: For secure streaming, especially if you are embedding the stream in an HTTPS website, make sure your stream server uses SSL.
  • IP Whitelisting: Consider whitelisting specific IP addresses or domains if you want to restrict access to the CCTV stream.


To embed a CCTV live video feed into a website, you can use different methods depending on your camera and streaming technology:

  1. Embed IP camera stream directly (HTTP or via RTSP with conversion).
  2. Use third-party platforms like YouTube Live.
  3. Set up your own streaming server for HLS/RTMP.
  4. Use WebRTC for low-latency real-time streaming.

Each method has its own complexity and flexibility. Let me know if you need more details on a specific approach!

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